

Boys Head Coach: Joel Price Boys Assistant Coach: Eric Krull Boys Assistant Coach: Dan Frerichs Girls Head Coach: Rick Meyer Girls Assistant Coach: Tyann Beenken 2023-2024 Varsity 2023-2024 JV 2023-2024 Varsity 2022-2023 2022-2023 …  [Read More] [Read More]

Boys Basketball Photos

Team Photos 2011-2012@media only screen and (max-width: 599px) {.cl_custom_css_1 .cl-ib-title { font-size:24px !important; }}Game Photos 2011-2012@media only screen and (max-width: 599px) {.cl_custom_css_2 .cl-ib-title { font-size:24px !important; }}Substate vs. AGWSR McLeod Ctr. 2012@media only screen and (max-width: 599px) {.cl_custom_css_3 .cl-ib-title { font-size:24px !important; }}State Tourney Preparations-2012@media only screen and (max-width: 599px) {.cl_custom_css_4 .cl-ib-title { font-size:24px !important; …  … [Read More]


Head Coach: Nick Price 641-562-2525 | Assistant Coach: Alicia Wirtjes 2023-2024 2022-2023 Schedule Varsity Softball JV Softball …  [Read More]


High School Yearbook - no better way to keep the MEMORIES! If you have yearbook coverage ideas, please contact a staff member or Amanda Heyer/Anna Oppedahl. And if you haven't already: order your lifetime of memories YEARBOOK at the office! Please share your photos with us for possible use in the yearbook!  (We received some fun photos this way!) … [Read More]


North Iowa Boys wrestle with Forest City North Iowa Girls wrestle with Algona   Boys Wrestling Web link:  WRESTLING SCHEDULE on Forest City School's Calendar Girls Wrestling Web link:  WRESTLING SCHEDULE on Algona School's Calendar Links Forest City Activities Calendar Forest City Wrestling website IHSAA Wrestling website Shared Documents STATE WRESTLING-past qualifiers_updated 2016 …  [Read More] [Read More]